class Zencontrol::AdvancedTPI

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

ERROR_CODES = {1_u8 => "The checksum check failed", 2_u8 => "A short on the DALI line was detected", 3_u8 => "A receive error occured", 4_u8 => "The command in the request is unrecognised", 176_u8 => "The command requested relies on a paid feature that hasn't been purchsed", 177_u8 => "Invalid arguments supplied for the given command in the re quest", 178_u8 => "The command couldn't be processed", 179_u8 => "The queue or buffer that's required to process the command in the request\n is full or broken", 180_u8 => "The command in the request may stream multiple responses back, but this\n feature isn't available for some reason", 181_u8 => "The DALI related request couldn't be processed due to an error", 182_u8 => "There are an insufficient number of the required resource remaining service\n the request", 183_u8 => "An unexpected result occurred"}

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.driver_interface : String #

Instance Method Detail

def light_level(area : UInt32, level : Float64) #

Using direct command

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def lighting_level?(area : Area | Nil = nil) #
Description copied from module PlaceOS::Driver::Interface::Lighting::Level

return the current level

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def lighting_scene?(area : Area | Nil = nil) #

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def on_load #

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def on_update #

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def received(data, task) #

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def set_lighting_level(level : Float64, area : Area | Nil = nil, fade_time : UInt32 = 1000_u32) #
Description copied from module PlaceOS::Driver::Interface::Lighting::Level

level between 0.0 and 100.0, fade in milliseconds

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def set_lighting_scene(scene : UInt32, area : Area | Nil = nil, fade_time : UInt32 = 1000_u32) #

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def trigger(area : UInt32, scene : UInt32) #

Using indirect commands

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