class Place::Meet

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

DEFAULT_LIGHT_MOD = "Lighting_1"
EXT_INIT = [:qsc_phone_dialing_init] of Symbol
EXT_POWER = [:qsc_phone_dialing_power] of Symbol

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Place::QSCPhoneDialing

qsc_dial_hangup qsc_dial_hangup, qsc_dial_makecall qsc_dial_makecall, qsc_dial_pad(number : String) qsc_dial_pad, qsc_dial_pad_clear : Nil qsc_dial_pad_clear

Instance methods inherited from module Place::Router::Core

current_routes : Hash(String, String | Nil) current_routes, on_update on_update, route_signal(input : String, output : String, max_dist : Int32 | Nil = nil, simulate : Bool = false, follow_additional_routes : Bool = true) route_signal

Class Method Detail

def self.driver_interface : String #

Instance Method Detail

def add_preset(preset : String, camera : String) #

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def apply_camera_defaults #

run on system power on

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def apply_default_routes #

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def audio_mute(state : Bool) #

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def audio_muted? #

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def capabilities : String #
Description copied from module PlaceOS::Driver::Interface::ChatFunctions

overall description of what this driver implements

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def current_routes : Hash(String, String | Nil) #

core includes: 'current_routes' hash but we override it here for LLM integration

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def function_descriptions #

def init_vidconf #

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def inputs_and_outputs #

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def join_mode(mode_id : String, master : Bool = true) #

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def lighting_independent : Bool #

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def lighting_scene? #

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def lighting_scenes #

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def linked_outputs : Hash(String, Hash(String, String)) #

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def local_accessories : Array(Accessory) #

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def local_help : Help #

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def local_lighting_area : LightingArea | Nil #

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def local_mics : Array(Microphone) #

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def local_outputs : Array(String) #

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def local_preview_outputs : Array(String) #

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def local_tabs : Array(Tab) #

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def mute(state : Bool = true, index : Int32 | String = 0, layer : MuteLayer = MuteLayer::AudioVideo) #

Sets the mute state on a signal node within the system.

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def on_load #

def on_update #

def power(state : Bool, unlink : Bool = false) #

Sets the overall room power state.

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def power? : Bool #

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def remove_preset(preset : String, camera : String) #

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def route(input : String, output : String, max_dist : Int32 | Nil = nil, simulate : Bool = false, follow_additional_routes : Bool = true, called_from_join : Bool = false) #

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def route_input(input_id : String, output_id : String) #

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def select_lighting_scene(scene : String, push_to_remotes : Bool = true) #

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def selected_camera(camera : String) #

This is the camera input that is currently selected so we can switch between different cameras

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def selected_input(name : String, simulate : Bool = false) : Nil #

This is the currently selected input if the user selects an output then this will be routed to it

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def set_lighting_scene(scene : String) #

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def set_microphone(level : Float64, mute : Bool = false) #

level is a percentage 0.0->100.0

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def set_power_state(state : Bool) #

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def set_volume(level : Int32 | Float64) #

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def unlink_internal_use #

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def unlink_systems #

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def unroute(output : String) #

we want to unroute any signal going to the display or if it's a direct connection, we want to mute the display.

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def volume(level : Int32 | Float64, input_or_output : String) #

Set the volume of a signal node within the system.

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def volume? #

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