class Samsung::Displays::ReducedMDCProtocol

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

INDICATOR = 170_u8

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.driver_interface : String #

Instance Method Detail

def clear_whiteboard #

if the user has been using the display as a whiteboard then the display needs to switch input

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def connected #

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def disconnected #

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def do_device_config #

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def do_poll #

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def hard_off #

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def mute(state : Bool = true, index : Int32 | String = 0, layer : MuteLayer = MuteLayer::AudioVideo) #

Mutes both audio/video

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def mute_audio(state : Bool = true) #

Emulate audio mute

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def on_load #

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def on_update #

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def power(state : Bool) #

As true power off disconnects the server we only want to power off the panel

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def power?(**options) : Bool #

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def received(data, task) #

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def switch_to(input : Input, **options) #

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def volume(value : Int32 | Float64, **options) #

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def volume_down #

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def volume_up #

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