class Floorsense::BookingStatus

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def active : Bool #

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def active=(active : Bool) #

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def booking_id : String #

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def booking_id=(booking_id : String) #

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def booking_type : String #

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def booking_type=(booking_type : String) #

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def cid : Int32 #

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def cid=(cid : Int32) #

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def confexpiry : Int64 | Nil #

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def confexpiry=(confexpiry : Int64 | Nil) #

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def confirmed : Bool #

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def confirmed=(confirmed : Bool) #

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def confmethod : Int32 | Nil #

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def confmethod=(confmethod : Int32 | Nil) #

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def conftime : Int64 | Nil #

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def conftime=(conftime : Int64 | Nil) #

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def created : Int64 #

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def created=(created : Int64) #

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def desc : String | Nil #

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def desc=(desc : String | Nil) #

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def finish : Int64 #

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def finish=(finish : Int64) #

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def groupid : Int32 #

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def groupid=(groupid : Int32) #

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def key : String | Nil #

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def key=(key : String | Nil) #

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def place_id : String #

def place_id=(place_id : String) #

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def place_id? : String | Nil #

def planid : Int32 #

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def planid=(planid : Int32) #

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def privacy : Bool #

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def privacy=(privacy : Bool) #

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def releasecode : Int32 #

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def releasecode=(releasecode : Int32) #

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def released : Int64 #

Time the booking was released

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def released=(released : Int64) #

Time the booking was released

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def start : Int64 #

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def start=(start : Int64) #

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def uid : String #

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def uid=(uid : String) #

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def user : User | Nil #

not included in the responses but we will merge this

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def user=(user : User | Nil) #

not included in the responses but we will merge this

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