class PlaceOS::Driver::Proxy::System

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : DriverModel::ControlSystem, reply_id : String, logger : ::Log = ::Log.for(PlaceOS::Driver::Proxy::System), subscriptions : Proxy::Subscriptions = #

Local system available to logic driver

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def : String, reply_id : String, logger : ::Log = ::Log.for(PlaceOS::Driver::Proxy::System), subscriptions : Proxy::Subscriptions = #

Remote system (lazily loaded config)

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Class Method Detail

def self.driver_metadata?(system_id, module_name, index) : PlaceOS::Driver::DriverModel::Metadata | Nil #

Retrieve module metadata from redis

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def self.driver_metadata?(module_id) : PlaceOS::Driver::DriverModel::Metadata | Nil #

Retrieve module metadata from redis, bypassing module_id lookup

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def self.module_id?(system_id, module_name, index) : String | Nil #

Retrieve module metadata from redis

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Instance Method Detail

def [](module_name) #

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def all(module_name) : PlaceOS::Driver::Proxy::Drivers #

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def all(module_name, *, implementing) : PlaceOS::Driver::Proxy::Drivers #

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def bookable(*args, **options) #

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def bookable(*args, **options, &) #

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def capacity(*args, **options) #

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def capacity(*args, **options, &) #

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def code(*args, **options) #

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def code(*args, **options, &) #

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def count(module_name) #

Grabs the number of a particular device type

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def description(*args, **options) #

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def description(*args, **options, &) #

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def display_name(*args, **options) #

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def display_name(*args, **options, &) #

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def email(*args, **options) #

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def email(*args, **options, &) #

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def exists?(module_name, index = nil) : Bool #

Checks for the existence of a particular module

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def features(*args, **options) #

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def features(*args, **options, &) #

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def get(module_name, index) #

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def get(module_name) #

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def id : String #

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def implementing(interface) : PlaceOS::Driver::Proxy::Drivers #

grabs all modules implementing(Powerable) for example

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def load_complete(&callback : PlaceOS::Driver::Subscriptions::ChannelSubscription, String -> Nil) #

coordination to occur on placeos core

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def logger : ::Log #

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def map_id(*args, **options) #

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def map_id(*args, **options, &) #

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def modules #

Returns a list of all the module names in the system

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def name(*args, **options) #

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def name(*args, **options, &) #

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def subscribe(module_name, index, status, &callback : PlaceOS::Driver::Subscriptions::IndirectSubscription, String -> Nil) : PlaceOS::Driver::Subscriptions::IndirectSubscription #

Manages subscribing to all the non-local subscriptions

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def subscribe(module_name, status, &callback : PlaceOS::Driver::Subscriptions::IndirectSubscription, String -> Nil) : PlaceOS::Driver::Subscriptions::IndirectSubscription #

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def support_url(*args, **options) #

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def support_url(*args, **options, &) #

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def timezone(*args, **options) #

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def timezone(*args, **options, &) #

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def type(*args, **options) #

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def type(*args, **options, &) #

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def zones(*args, **options) #

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def zones(*args, **options, &) #

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