class PlaceOS::Driver
- PlaceOS::Driver
- Reference
- Object
This is base class for all PlaceOS drivers. It implements a standardised interface by introspecting the driver code you write.
Defined in:
Constant Summary
ENV["PLACE_LOG_FORMAT"]?.presence || "JSON"
LOG_FORMAT == "JSON" ? ActionController.json_formatter : ActionController.default_formatter
{"initialize" => true, "received" => true, "connected" => true, "disconnected" => true, "on_load" => true, "on_update" => true, "on_unload" => true, "websocket_headers" => true, "before_request" => true, "[]?" => true, "[]" => true, "[]=" => true, "send" => true, "__handle_rescue_from__" => true, "transport" => true, "logger" => true, "queue" => true, "setting" => true, "schedule" => true} of Nil => Nil
{{ (`shards version \"/home/runner/work/driver/driver/src/placeos-driver\"`).chomp.stringify.downcase }}
Class Method Summary
provide example settings for your driver that can be customised in backoffice
provide a description for your driver that will be diplayed in backoffice.
This is the name of the device you are writing a driver for.
This is the name other drivers and frontends will use to access the driver functionality
when using a TCP protocol, we want to close the connection after every request / response
Change the log level at run-time.
define a TCP port default if your driver connects over a raw TCP socket
define a UDP port default if your driver connects over a raw UDP socket
the default base URI for a service driver, all HTTP requests will have this domain and path appended
Macro Summary
accessor(name, implementing = nil)
Creates helper methods in logic drivers for accessing other drivers in a system
bind(mod, status, handler = nil)
a helper for any driver to bind to changes in its own status values logic drivers can additionally bind to status values on remote drivers
rescue_from(error_class, method = nil, &block)
provides a generic method for handling otherwise unhandled errors in your drivers functions i.e.
setting(klass, *types)
reads the provided class type out of the settings provided at the provided key.
setting?(klass, *types)
reads the provided class type out of the settings provided at the provided key.
status(klass, key)
reads a status key and deserialises the value into the class provided.
status?(klass, key)
reads a status key and deserialises the value into the class provided.
Instance Method Summary
#[](key) : JSON::Any
returns the current value of a status value and raises if it does not exist
#[]=(key, value)
Expose a status key to other drivers and frontends #} allowing them to bind to value updates
#[]?(key) : JSON::Any | Nil
returns the current value of a status value and nil if it does not exist
#config : PlaceOS::Driver::DriverModel
the modules database configuration
#define_setting(name, value)
if you would like to save an updated value to settings so it survives restarts
forces a disconnect of the network transport, which will promptly reconnect
was the current function executed directly by a user?
- #logger : PlaceOS::Driver::Log
#module_id : String
the id of the currently running module
#monitor(channel, &callback : Subscriptions::ChannelSubscription, String -> Nil) : Subscriptions::ChannelSubscription
monitor for messages being published on redis
#publish(channel, message)
publishes a message to a channel on redis, available to any drivers monitoring for these events
- #queue : PlaceOS::Driver::Queue
#queue(**opts, &block : Task -> Nil)
Queue a task that intends to use the transport layer
- #schedule : PlaceOS::Driver::Proxy::Scheduler
#send(message, **opts)
queues a message to be sent to the transport layer.
#send(message, **opts, &block : Bytes, PlaceOS::Driver::Task -> Nil)
queues a message to be sent to the transport layer.
#set_connected_state(online, status_only = true)
used to provide feedback in backoffice about the state of a driver
- #setting : PlaceOS::Driver::Settings
pushes a change notification for the key specified, even though it hasn't changed
#subscribe(status, &callback : Subscriptions::DirectSubscription, String -> Nil) : Subscriptions::DirectSubscription
Subscribe to a local status value
#subscriptions : PlaceOS::Driver::Proxy::Subscriptions
provides access to the modules subscriptions tracker
#system(id : String) : Proxy::System
provides access to the details of a remote system, if you have the ID of the system.
#system : Proxy::System
provides access to the details of the system the logic driver is running in.
- #transport : PlaceOS::Driver::Transport
#wake_device(mac_address, subnet = "", port = 9)
sends a wake-on-lan message the specified mac_address, specify a subnet for directed WOL
Class Method Detail
provide example settings for your driver that can be customised in backoffice
provide a description for your driver that will be diplayed in backoffice.
it supports rendering markdown, so you can provide links to manuals and photos etc
This is the name of the device you are writing a driver for.
examples such as: Sony VISCA Camera, Samsung MDC Protocol
This is the name other drivers and frontends will use to access the driver functionality
exmaples such as: Camera, Display
when using a TCP protocol, we want to close the connection after every request / response
Change the log level at run-time.
Toggle TRACE level logging using kill -s USR1 %PID
define a UDP port default if your driver connects over a raw UDP socket
also use this if you are using multicast for communications
the default base URI for a service driver, all HTTP requests will have this domain and path appended
for example:
Macro Detail
Creates helper methods in logic drivers for accessing other drivers in a system
For example, if you want to access system[:Display_1]
via display
use accessor display : Display_1
for system.all(Camera)
use accessor cameras : Array(Camera)
for system.all(Display, implementing: Interface::Powerable)
use accessor displays : Array(Display), implementing: Interface::Powerable
for system.implementing(Interface::Powerable)
use accessor powerable, implementing: Interface::Powerable
a helper for any driver to bind to changes in its own status values logic drivers can additionally bind to status values on remote drivers
local bind: bind :power, :power_changed
remote bind: bind Display_1, :power, :power_changed
the new_value
provided in the handler is a JSON string
you would define your handler as protected def power_changed(_subscription, new_value : String)
provides a generic method for handling otherwise unhandled errors in your drivers functions
i.e. rescue_from(DivisionByZeroError, :return_zero)
or alternatively: rescue_from(DivisionByZeroError) { 0 }
reads the provided class type out of the settings provided at the provided key.
i.e. given a setting: values: [1, 2, 3]
you can extract index 2 number using: setting(Int64, :values, 2)
reads the provided class type out of the settings provided at the provided key.
i.e. given a setting: keys: {"public": "123456"}
you can extract the public key using: setting?(String, :keys, :public)
reads a status key and deserialises the value into the class provided.
It raises if the class does not exist.
reads a status key and deserialises the value into the class provided.
It returns nil
if the key doesn't exist
Instance Method Detail
returns the current value of a status value and raises if it does not exist
Expose a status key to other drivers and frontends #} allowing them to bind to value updates
returns the current value of a status value and nil if it does not exist
if you would like to save an updated value to settings so it survives restarts
monitor for messages being published on redis
subscription = monitor("my_service/channel") { |subscription, string_value| ... }
use subscriptions.unsubscribe(subscription)
to unsubscribe
publishes a message to a channel on redis, available to any drivers monitoring for these events
Queue a task that intends to use the transport layer
primarily useful where a device can only perform a single function at a time and ordering is important
i.e power-on, switch-input, set-volume
however you typically won't need to use this function directly. See #send
options include:
priority: an
between 0 and 100 where 0 is highest priority and 100 is the lowest -
timeout: a
indicating the maximum time the task should wait for a response -
retries: how many attempts should be made to successfully complete a task
should we wait for a response (defaults to true) -
of the command, if there is already a command with the same name in the queue, it will be replaced with this. -
how long to wait after executing this command before executing the next -
after executing task, clear all the remaining tasks in the queue
queues a message to be sent to the transport layer.
see #queue for available options
queues a message to be sent to the transport layer.
the provided block is used to process responses while this task is active
used to provide feedback in backoffice about the state of a driver
online: true == Green, online: false == Red in backoffice
setting status_only: false
will set the queue online state.
when offline, this means the queue will ignore all unnamed tasks to avoid memory leaks.
pushes a change notification for the key specified, even though it hasn't changed
Subscribe to a local status value
subscription = subscribe(:my_status) { |subscription, string_value| ... }
use subscriptions.unsubscribe(subscription)
to unsubscribe
provides access to the modules subscriptions tracker
provides access to the details of a remote system, if you have the ID of the system.
provides access to the details of the system the logic driver is running in.
NOTE : this only works for logic drivers as other drivers can be in multiple systems.
sends a wake-on-lan message the specified mac_address, specify a subnet for directed WOL