module PlaceOS::Model::Associations
Direct including types
- PlaceOS::Model::Attendee
- PlaceOS::Model::Booking
- PlaceOS::Model::BookingInstance
- PlaceOS::Model::ChatMessage
- PlaceOS::Model::DoorkeeperApplication
- PlaceOS::Model::EventMetadata
- PlaceOS::Model::Guest
- PlaceOS::Model::ModelBase
- PlaceOS::Model::Survey
- PlaceOS::Model::Survey::Answer
- PlaceOS::Model::Survey::Invitation
- PlaceOS::Model::Survey::Question
- PlaceOS::Model::Tenant
Defined in:
placeos-models/base/associations.crClass Method Summary
Macro Summary
belongs_to(parent_class, dependent = :none, association_name = nil, foreign_key = nil, presence = false, pk_type = nil, serialize = true)
Defines getter and setter for parent relationship
has_many(child_class, collection_name = nil, dependent = :none, foreign_key = nil, serialize = false)
Must be used in conjunction with the belongs_to macro
- has_one(child_class, dependent = :none, association_name = nil, presence = false)
Instance Method Summary
Class Method Detail
Macro Detail
macro belongs_to(parent_class, dependent = :none, association_name = nil, foreign_key = nil, presence = false, pk_type = nil, serialize = true)
Defines getter and setter for parent relationship
macro has_many(child_class, collection_name = nil, dependent = :none, foreign_key = nil, serialize = false)
Must be used in conjunction with the belongs_to macro